28 September 2006 16:44

(image: firstcoastnews.com)

This month's local BIG NEWS: Local Golfers Forced To Endure Terribly Inconvenient 30-Minute Game Interruption, Additional Hazard On Course

No, that's not my plane.

Not that my plane is any bigger than that. And actually, not that i haven't considered landing on the same golf course, in fact, during one of my instructor's many little entertaining "what would you do if i cut your engine, say, right NOW?" drills. The beach is better for landing on, although (as the above pilots discovered) it does tend to have people lying all over it. But as the instructors say: "Ehh. They'll move."

13 September 2006 17:05

Travelzoo Temptation Of The Week

Reason #1
(21 Sept '05/Copenhagen/Samsung D530)

Reason #2
(22 Sept '05/Odense/Samsung D530)

Reason #3

Scandinavia. From Chicago. For $199.

Since no further reasons could possibly be needed by anyone, how about i just go ahead now and give you the link. 'Kay? Mm-hmm.

11 September 2006 20:54

Remember? Why?

Remember this from five years ago?

I remember how i felt when i saw that image on TV. But more, i remember how everyone else seemed to feel. People were moved to the point of passion. For about two weeks, the whole country cared. Now, five years later, it's a little intellectually embarrassing to bring it up, isn't it? Come on, let's talk about root causes, poverty, disenfranchisement. Nine-eleven was tragic, but it's old news. Only undereducated red-state flag-wavers are still harping on that.

Two brief thoughts. No, three.
  • You don't need to be a self-described "patriot" to tell right from wrong. (Or vice versa, the snide could say, but hold that thought.)
  • For any free and liberal society to survive, true lovers of such tolerance must recognize and stand against aggressive intolerance everywhere it exists - not only in their own culture. Else, they embrace their own destruction. It's only a matter of time.
In 2001 the surviving Americans said "Never forget."

In 1945 the surviving Jews said "Never again."

These are two very different statements.

Do we care enough to step from the first to the second? I doubt it. Not anymore.

Not when so many of us are unthinkingly asking ourselves if we even should.

Not when we've already stopped caring about the first statement - which, really, we might as well. It's like Thanksgiving as a post-Christian holiday: what's the point?

And finally, not even if we could all agree on what was to be done. Which, if it were to happen, should frighten anyone almost as much.

So here's a challenge: Don't get all misty-eyed for ten minutes today watching the retrospectives, remembering one September day in one year in one country in the whole ancient history of this huge aching world. Don't flatter yourself that you really care - unless you're going to keep caring and do something about it.

A good rule for all things, maybe.

Image credit: wuzzadem.typepad.com

04 September 2006 05:18

Bigger And Better

They say everyone has their heroes. As of this article, aged though it may be, i have a new one.

No Travelzoo Temptation this week to get you out of your rut. Today's assignment instead: Go thou and do like that. Now, get to it. I don't want to see you coming back with anything smaller than a medium-sized schnauzer, minimum.

We played this in college, in a two- or three-hour session, but the biggest thing anyone ever came back with was a couch. It was a nice couch, granted; and when you're a college freshman, and the couch is longer than your dorm room, this is a very impressive thing indeed. But there comes a time in any leisure pursuit when one is so roundly defeated that one has no other graceful option than to humbly acknowledge the towering presence of absolute and utter greatness.

That, and secretly sulk for a while out of sheer jealousy.

Just a bit.