23 June 2006 17:07

Mildly Interesting Photos Of The Week

[Florida Humidity Relief Edition]

new york ice photo

erie canal winter image
(Waterford, NY / 11 March / Casio EX-Z750)

17 June 2006 10:23

Signs Of A Fine Establishment, Pt. 33

(Savannah, GA / 22 Apr 06 / Casio EX-Z750)

13 June 2006 21:30


tropical storm alberto jacksonville(image credit: weatherunderground.com)

First, to Alberto, who really left us quite a pleasant day on his way past. Pleasantly sunny as well as pleasantly rainy (and if you think that's in any way a contradiction, you need to visit Jax in summer) - a nice change of pace; good and windy, but without dropping any large tree limbs on our underinsured little cars. The D batteries disappeared from Publix as expected, but thankfully none were needed. I shouldn't really say "as expected," as this was our first official Florida tropical thingie, but still, one would like to think that last year counted for something.

And secondly, a farewell to Des, of London Bridge fame and notoriety, who after thirty-one years is finally going home to Scotland. Many happy returns. Trivia Night will now be just a little bit safer for all of pure and innocent heart. [brief moment of silence]

And finally, Karl Rove, if you think we're not keeping a close eye on you during this hurricane season, you are very badly mistaken. We know what you're up to. The Weather Channel never lies.

10 June 2006 09:21

Let The Natural Disasters Begin! I Mean, Continue

(image credit: nhc.noaa.gov)

For those of you who haven't been able to picture exactly where we live, the National Weather Service has provided this handy graphical aid. To find us, just follow the line to the precise point where it crosses the east coast of Florida. Quite nice of them to honor us like that. I mean, it's the first tropical depression of the season, and it could have gone anywhere. Anywhere at all.


But at least this means we'll get some rain soon. "Rain," they say. It sounds vaguely familiar, but-- yeah, is that when the water falls out of the sky? I thought so. Must have something to do with those white puffy things we see up there sometimes. I saw one just last week. It was nice.

On the plus side, the city doesn't smell like smoke anymore at the moment, because they've put out the most recent wildfire to the south. In fact, 95 is back open, and i think you can get from here to Miami again. If you really want to.

Just thought i'd share.

04 June 2006 17:45

Signs Of A Fine Establishment, Pt. 32

(23 Apr/southern GA/Casio EX-Z750)

Pilgrims in an unholy--oh, wait, i already used that.


Man, i love me them naval oranges. Citrus fruits always taste better at sea.