31 August 2007 15:13

A Question To Ponder

It's cloudy out today, and the air feels deliciously cool. The wall thermometer reads ninety-four degrees. Should i be concerned?

It's seventy-six now, and i'm cold.

25 August 2007 10:06

Happy Trails

(18 Oct '05/Wauwatosa, WI/Canon S110)

A Brief Series Of Existential Haiku In Honor Of A Departed Honda

Once i made money
Working in shiny office
Ate ramen, bought toy

So shiny, so fast!
But alas, speed was less good
Than cash in pocket

Now i eat healthy
Lower colon cancer risk
And i drive Tercel

11 August 2007 12:38

Mildly Interesting Photos Of The Week: Cleanup Edition

We admit it; we're lazy. But these are the last ones from February, we promise.

hawaii mauna kea mountain

hawaii mauna kea observatory

hawaii waipi'o valley
(all: 28 Feb--01 Mar 2007/big island, Hawai'i/Casio EX-Z750)

Mildly Interesting Photos Of The Week

Fire and water, from way too long ago.

(all: 25 Feb - 28 Feb 2007/big island, Hawai'i/Casio EX-750)

01 August 2007 20:18

All Chill An' Like Dat

We here at the Rand-O-Blog would like to report that we took a hot shower several weeks ago, and furthermore that we have already forgotten what it was like. For a Florida resident, visiting New York in the summer is much like enjoying an early autumn. Visiting New York in the winter, on the other hand, is mainly just terrifying.

In any case, we are now back in Florida, awaiting the year's first hurricane and the year's first obligatory shortage of toilet paper and D batteries.

Which does raise a question: Why toilet paper? What about bread or milk? Or Old Chub Scottish Ale? We can't understand it. But we suppose that in a crisis one's thoughts turn to the things that really matter in life. Having gone without toilet paper for academic purposes during several rather noteworthy weeks in college, we can confidently assert that we would grab the beer first.

Only if there were moss around, though. Moss is key. Maple leaves do not provide the quality of experience one might expect. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.