Didn't get to Panera last night - the internet was working here - but i did catch Constantine at the two-dollar theater in Mobile.
For a while there it was a regular Tuesday night thing, that theater - we'd fill up the fifteen-passenger van and fan out between the ten or so two-month-old films they offer. You enter the building at the sheet of paper reading "MOVIE THEATRE" taped to the door, and you buy your ticket from the same person who then runs back to sell you popcorn (and, if you notice, also the same one who starts your projector before running off next door to do the same there). The most people i have ever shared a theater with there is, i think, six. On Tuesday nights, even with all fifteen Mercy Ships people wandering around, it is entirely possible you'll be in a movie all by yourself.
This theater is actually very nice, a whole multiplex, stadium seating and all. It used to be full-price, but since the mall around it died it has apparently changed strategies. I am unsure of the wisdom of this, as by my calculations, the fifteen of us, at two dollars each, are not contributing enough even to pay the one high school kid who runs the place.
But anyhow. Constantine. The movie wasn't that great, in case you were holding your breath, but i did gain a lot of respect for Rachel Weisz, and i rather liked Satan. In general, playing the Prince of Darkness would seem to be a challenging experience, but i really think Peter Stormare pulled it off. Depends what kind of Satan you're looking for, of course. Willem Dafoe is still my personal favorite. It seems to be a difficult role not to overplay, but Stormare kept it in pretty close. Except maybe for the part with the licking.
If you were wondering, this is another reason you don't see a comments link here.